06.19.2003 - 6:04 p.m.
Terrified, mortified, petrified, stupefied...

As of late, I find myself reading the Harry Potter books with a growing dread. I'm serious. Some parts I read with some serious stomach-churning.

This is because I fear, with every part of me, that Ron Weasley's going to be killed.

I mean, at this point, I can even envision what will happen. I will scream "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" a la when I thought I lost the last 3,000 words of my Nano novel on November 30th. Then I will storm out of the room, yelling, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" to every living creature in the house, perhaps punctuated by attempting to drown myself in the bathroom sink.

Then I shall go to my diary for cheers, and write a big long


in it, and when I press to view my entry I'll see the Ron Weasley Collage of Absolute Beauty I'll start crying and then I'll go back into my room, in an effort to finish the book, because I hate finishing half a book, perhaps hoping that Ron will come back.

We can only hope this does not happen, and instead, as when Cedric died, I will remain a small bit terrified but nothing more.

Or MAYBE they'll kill off Harry, and the next book'll be like, Ron Weasley & Hermione Granger and Their Beautifully Blossoming Romance.

OR they really can call it The Trouble With Harry, as the Alfred Hitchcock film, and they can run around freaking out because Harry Potter's dead and everybody thinks they killed him!


There and Back again

09.03.2011 - I, whoa
10.02.2010 - Checking in.
05.21.2006 - I may not always love you
05.21.2005 - Cryptic Entry #1138
03.16.2005 - I was just a girl then
