11.25.2001 - 9:17 p.m.
The One With The Ultimate Plot To Take Over The World

I have officially had the world's most boring day.

7:30 a.m. Wake up. Get ready to go.

8:00 a.m. Leave

8:07 a.m. Arrive at coffee place

8:11 a.m. Get coffee

8:13 a.m. Sit around

8:14 a.m. Sit around

8:15 a.m. Sit around

9:26 p.m. Get bored of typing like this

Anyway, against my will, I was forced to go to breakfast, and tortured by getting Jello thrown at me by my one-and-a-half year-old sister, which, don't get me wrong, is adorable, but I'd appreciate it if she aimed for someone else in there. Though, mind you, if she threw Jello at the majority of the people in there, she might give them a heart attack. But that's what you get when you go to breakfast before 9. A bunch of people whose friends are now extinct and there are actually people making movies in which they run around and try to eat people and ruin nice parks, such as Jurassic Park.

So, after stepping in Jello and being thankful more than once that I was wearing a black shirt, we left. But not before I paid my stepsister a dollar to eat a spoonful of this disgusting stuff we made, which was sausage gravy and cheesecake mixed with Jello. Mmmmm. It looked like yogurt. I also know how to make this really disgusting drink that looks exactly like iced tea.

We went grocery shopping. I made a world record and bought everything within maybe 5 minutes. I spent $100. I've got to be the only person who can spend $100 in five minutes.

I broke one of my nails in the store. I was getting orange soda. I yelled "Oh my God I broke a nail!" before I realized I had just become the exact person I mocked every day of the week last month. But I never grow my nails, and that really bugged me, that the first time I grew out my nails in so long, I had to break one. And it broke, too. All the way. I have seen ants larger than this nail is now.

So, I came home, and I napped, and then my dad woke me up to ask what I wanted for dinner, and I was all confused because I didn't realize I had just taken a six hour nap. I didn't even mean to take a nap. It just... happened. I was sitting on my bed, staring at the ceiling, and my feet were cold, so I stuck them under the blanket, and...


So, I woke up, I walked around, I ate dinner, I tried to prevent my little sister from pulling everything off the shelves, since I always have to clean it up, and had to clean up after she took about half a box of Cap'N Crunch that I didn't know she could reach and dumped it out on the floor. At least they weren't the berries.

I then spent quite a while developing my brand new e-mail system, which is pretty darned cool. I will eventually put it on my page. Actually, I have developed two: Phoenixchild e-mail and Phoebemail. Sign up at Phoebemail today!! Really, please! I'd love for you to. And then you can send me an e-mail there, at either [email protected]. Yay! And maybe I'll let Phoenixchild mail be used, but what I plan on doing (I have to get people's compliance) is getting people like Sara and Stacy to get mail at Phoenixchild and then you, the reader, can e-mail them! Yay! Though it may not, since I think only Stacy and Sara would be able to do that. But maybe it WILL be only Stacy and Sara! Yay! And I can make up people, so I can say things like "E-mail Julia Roberts!" and then I can get thousands of people at my site and tell them to go and fetch me some money and that can be part of my ultimate plot to TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

There and Back again

09.03.2011 - I, whoa
10.02.2010 - Checking in.
05.21.2006 - I may not always love you
05.21.2005 - Cryptic Entry #1138
03.16.2005 - I was just a girl then
